Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Tiny Dancer

Last night when i went to bed i realized just how much i love my lady. I was just about to pass out and i began to remember that she was leaving on vacation tommorow night, (which now is tonight) it was sorta like realizing you left the stove on when you're in the middle of the grocery store and about to check out. I was actually almost greif stricken. One whole week without boo. That sux ass! But the other half of me was like, why? One week of solid R and R, all the time in the world to do the shit around the house that may need done. It was hard to differentiate my true feeling until this morning. I just didn't want her to leave, at all, in any shaope form or fashion what so ever! I can't even figure out why this is on my mind so much. I really hope all will be well in the ensuing week. Peace out ya'll. Be true to thine own self.

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